I will really miss these kids!
Today is my last full day here in Uganda. Tomorrow we are flying to Nairobi to spend a week there with the Warrens and visit the African Leadership schools in the slums of Kibera.
It's 2 PM and it's already been one of those days. It's burning hot outside too. I was lying on my back in the grass with a toddler lying on my lap, two sitting around me, two lying down on my legs, and another one trying to lie on my face.

I'm about to go back to Amani (the orphanage). I have spent time thinking about how I will say goodbye, and how all the kids will react. I realize that they are little 2-4 year olds, who will probably forget who I am. It makes me sad, but its probably true. It makes me sad that they are so starved for love and attention that I can become so important, like a mommy, to them.

The first day I went to Amani, I specifically went to see Matthias Joseph and Daisy. From the moment I walked in the gate, I was swarmed by little hands and faces. The first one to get to me was Benja. Now that I think about it, there have been some really funny times there. Great, now I'm sad again. Asher (the Keck's adopted boy) just came over to show us the snake that he drew, so that lightens me up a little bit. I miss all of my friends+family, but I will miss the orphanage+ Katie's family too. One day I'm going to come back and adopt or work as a volunteer. :-)

Dear Carly,
This is really exciting, reading your blog! You write very well, but I am still surprised that you can bring these little children so close to our hearts! And you aren't even thirteen yet! What a wonderful trip with your dad, and what a wonderful slogan he gave you when he said to remember that "when you set out to bless someone, the person who is blessed the most is you!" We know this blessing goes both ways. I have pictures of you when you were very small, and you were tenderly protecting your younger siblings. Now, you are extending it to inspiring reaches! We are very proud of you, and can't wait to see and hear more! Much love, G'pa & G'ma..
Hey, it's Jack.
I hope you're having a great time. I miss you lots. I hope you know how great you are. I've seen all the pictures. Those kids must feel SO blessed to have you around cause that's how I feel when you are around. I miss you so much and I wish I was there with you. I'ts GREAT to see all those smiles on those kids faces when you are around!
Love Jack
Hi my sweet daughter!!
You are absolutely beautiful and glowing and I am so proud of you!! We live in a big, broken world and you are changing it, one hug at a time! Isn't it truly amazing how some of us can have so much when others have so little? I know you are changing and growing from this journey you are on, but I want you to realize that you are changing our hearts, too, all the way across the world!
I love you more! mom
Hi Carly. It's Hannah.
You are a great sister and I am so proud of you. I hope you have a fun time there even though you are working so hard. You are doing a great thing. Love, Hannah
carly, i know i already emailed you and said this but i am SO SO SO SO SO SO JEALOUS OF YOU! i wish i could be there with yall! i know it'll be tough leaving but you'll go home with a completely different perspective of EVERYTHING! im planning on volunteering there after highschool and adopting later on after too (i know im thinking WAYYYY head but i just can't help it!) so we can just volunteer together!!! :-) have fun in Kenya!
love from nashville!
Hi Carly,
Yours is the first blog I have ever commented on because it is the first blog that has touched me so deeply! Your words are beautiful and beautifully reflect your experience. You are a true inspiration. Love to you and all of your new friends, debrah from Los Angeles
Carly, We are so proud of you and your giving heart. You have learned so much and have brought so much to these precious children. They will always remember your kindness and your life has changed immensely. Thanks for being who you are. Love, Aunt Linda
Hi Carly Boo,
Its Holly.
I'm reading your blog crying,wondering where time went that the little girl I used to babysit is teaching me Gods love from the outer most part of the world!
You are Beautiful! Remember every moment of this, these are the memories that mold who you become!
You are there for a reason, most will never get to experience what you are in there lifetime!
I love you and cant wait to see all the pictures when you get back home. Have fun and soak it all in, i want to hear all about it!
Hi Daddy Button!
Love you guys,
Hi Carly,
I LOVE YOUR BLOG! It is an incredible blessing for me to be able to follow your journey. I know that you are touching lives and they are changing yours. There are so many hurting people in the world. Praise God you come from a family who gives back to those in need regularly. That is your heritage and it is priceless to see you walking in it. I cannot wait to hear all of your stories when you and your dad return.
Love you tons,
Miss Julie
Hi Carly,
I am so proud of you and how you are growing up so well. When I first met you, you were just a little girl, and now what a wonderful women you are becoming. I am so impressed at your writing, and I am glad that I can witness this great experience you are having.
Hi Carly,
Thanks for sharing your journey with us. You are doing an incredible thing for some incredible little kids. We love you! Theresa and the gang~
Hey Carly!!!!!!
I have been praying for you and all those sweet kids. I have been praying that God will keep you and everyone else safe on this journey and that he will work through you in every possible way. I read your blog and I can tell that he has! I will continue to pray for you and I miss you soooo much!
Love you always,
Taylor Barton
Hey Carly,
We miss you guys at the Breakfast Club! Wanted you to know I went over to hug on Benja and Moses for you. All is well here! Anxious to hear how Nairobi is, so keep it coming! Love hearing your heart!
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