Today, the kids all learned how to say "I love you" in English. They even added hand motions... pointing to their eyes for "I," crossing their arms across their chest for "love" and pointing to me for "you." I helped (or tried) with feeding, playing and holding! These kids really need to be held and loved... and many are very sick. Moses is very sick and I'm worried about him.

Some are HIV positive and some have tuberculosis. Some of these kids were dropped off at the orphanage and others were just found in a pile of trash. It's so sad

But then there are the stories like Josie and Asher and Joseph and Daisy that are being adopted by godly people like the Mayernicks, Kecks and Oatsvalls! Everything points back to God, doesn't it? Maybe I will get to adopt Moses one day!
Hiya Carley Boo! Wow Africa w/ your dad, helping kids at an orphanage, and a blog...... Woohoooooo! What an amazing opportunity to give back and expand our view of humanity (& to put the abundance of our daily lives in perspective a bit). Thanks for sharing girl. Hugs to you and your ohana, Aunty Cindy and the NZ Lee Clan
Carley ... I can tell you are changing my sweet Daisy's heart ... Thank you for your love and care and spirt ... you are blessing me more than you know ... I am thrilled you are there w/ my kids !!! keep the pictures and video coming ... i am praying God continues to grow your heart for the least of these ..
love ya bunches girl !!!
Heyyyy Its amanda!!!!!! Wow this is amazing... They are all so cute... you look like a mom with the little kids following u.....Call or e mail me soon Love Ya!!!!!! Amanda
ok,ok im not done i figured how to post a comment sooooo yya ! Well next time you go to Africa your taking me with you. And no questions asked. Well today we are going to a orse show and the little boy, Benja is amazingly cute!!!!! well LOVE YOU!!!!!Amanda
Hey Carly those pictures are so sweet! i bet you are having so much fun!!! i wish that i was there too tell everyone hi and come see us sometime! love you
Aww... those kids look ADORABLE! =D
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