After that we went to their work in Haruma slum and another clinic where they see 100 people a day. We were greated by some very poor children. They took our hands and led us to the high school, with 12 teachers, 16o students, and the school was made out of large metal shipping containers for only$40,000 dollars! First we went into the headmaster's office. It was smaller then the size of a normal bathroom, and it was stuffed with files and work. The man was

Walking around the classrooms, I realized just how much God wants to show his love to these people. These kids uniforms are tattered and torn, their desks are dirty and

As we made are way over to the Seniors, I listened to my dad and Mr. Warren speak to these children. I wish I could have taped it, it was...inspiring. We talked to them, told them who we are and where we are from, but then a boy asked if he could say something. He stood up, and talked about how grateful he was for being in this school and for being able to get an education so one day he can follow his dream to become a lawyer. He said that one day he would come back to the slums that he would never forget. His clothes were completely tattered, but he spoke so well, I was just in awe. Listening to him, explained to me where the money went that I raised when I ran in Ellie's Run. I just ran a few miles, now this boy could follow his dreams and maybe one day

I pray that all of these kids will follow their dreams and be whoever God wants them to be.
Ps. - I found a couple more photos of Moses. Please continue to pray for him.