I just got back from a Safari with my dad in
the middle of the Masi Mara... it's about as close to nowhere as you can imagine, but very beautiful. It was amazing. We saw baby warthogs, buffalo, zebra, giraffes, hippos! We saw a lion chasing a cheetah! And, we saw lots and lots of wide open space. We went on a walking Safari with a Masai Warrior. It was... interesting. The first thing he did was pick up some animal leftovers and asked us which animal this belongs too. I was a little freaked out at one point because my dad picked up some elephant stuff and asked if I wanted to hold it! We walked for a while, and eventually we came to the Masai Village.
We were greeted by tall Masai warriors who did a ceremonial dance for us and the women sang and danced too. We went into their huts where they told us about themselves. The huts were...captivating... made out of elephant dung and tree bark. The only light came from a small hole about the size of my fist. They are very proud of who they are.

It made me sad to see how they had to live. There is terrible drought in Kenya and they have lost a lot since it started. Their cows are thin and starving, and they don't have enough food. There only protection from the wild is a thick barrier of sticks and thorns.

It was awsome and very sad at the same time. I almost started crying. What if I was a Masai? I would have to live like this! How horrible it would be, waking up every morning to work and work and work? I wake up in the morning and turn on the T.V. I just felt so grateful that God blessed me with the family that I have today. My dad and I were talking about how God puts you on the earth for a reason. He puts you in the situation your in for a reason. I was blessed through God's mercy and grace just to be born in America. I, WE, all deserve to be a Masai and live like a Masai. But, through the blessings of God we are given the situations and families we have in America.
When I first moved to hawaii, I was dissapointed because I thought my house was a bit small. I know that sounds crazy, that's just how I felt. Now after seeing the Masai houses and lives, I am ashamed at how I felt. My dad tells me that God puts you in situations to either be like Jesus or to learn to be like Jesus. I think the same about my blessings with being able to see the Masai and go on this trip. I learned about how much I really have and how much I have to give.
Well thats what i've been doing. Now its my last day and I can look forward to is 40 hours of traveling to get to my home! I miss home and my family and all of my friends. But, I wouldn't trade the mental and emotional learning that I have gained (while I was here) for anything... or the time with my dad.
I'm leaving for home tonite at 11. Please pray that my dad and I will survive the 40 hours!
Ps. - This verse has been on my heart for a while and I would like to share it with you.
Create in me a pure heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me. (Psalm 51: 10).
Ps. - This verse has been on my heart for a while and I would like to share it with you.
Create in me a pure heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me. (Psalm 51: 10).
Pps. Please continue to pray for Moses. Here's my last video when I had to say goodbye to him: